Five Easiest Ways you can Reduce Your Stress Without Medicine

Reduce Your Stress Without Medicine

Stress is a killer. It has been linked to a large number of health issues including heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. But there is good news: you don't have to reach for pills to deal with your stress. You can reduce your stress levels naturally with just a few changes in how you approach life's challenges. Here are four ways that might help you feel calmer.

Spend time in nature

Spending time in nature is a best way to relax. It's also one of the most important strategies for reducing stress, because when you're outside it's easier to take in all the things around you like nature itself!

When we're in nature, our bodies are exposed to many things that help us feel relaxed: sunlight which can help regulate circadian rhythms, fresh air which helps keep us active, sights such as trees or mountains which inspire awe, sounds like birdsong or raindrops hitting leaves makes relaxing music sound better. In short: being surrounded by natural beauty makes everything else seem less important.


Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce your stress. It helps you sleep better, reduces cortisol levels and anxiety/depression, helps you feel better about yourself and live longer.

Here are some reasons how exercise can help:

  • You need less sleep when you exercise regularly. This means that exercising will make it easier for you to fall asleep at night or even stay asleep longer if that’s what works best for your lifestyle and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning instead of groggy or tired like before.

  • Your body burns calories throughout the day while performing an activity such as walking or swimming laps at a pool even just moving around. The more calories burned through regular physical activity, the less likely it is that weight gain will occur over time due to increased energy expenditure.* When working out regularly at least 30 minutes 5 days per week, there are fewer hormones released into our bloodstreams which can lead us down paths towards developing depression or other mental health disorders later down life's road.* Regular exercise helps keep blood pressure low which lowers risk factors associated with heart disease development by lowering cholesterol levels.

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Sleep more

Sleep is important. You don't want to be a zombie, so make sure you get enough sleep and stay consistent with your bedtime routine. Make sure to set an alarm for at least 7 hours of sleep, but no more than 9 or 10 at most. Don't let yourself go past this time limit because it'll affect your ability to function during the day and also cause headaches.

If possible, avoid naps during the day as well they're not good for your health either! If you have trouble sleeping at night or find yourself having trouble waking up on time, try setting your clock ahead one hour before going into work every morning; this way even if it's still dark outside when you wake up which will happen, there won't be any distractions keeping those thoughts away from popping up in your mind while trying desperately hard not fall back asleep again.

Talk to someone

  • Talk to someone. Whether it's a friend, family member or professional a doctor, therapist or coach, talking about your stress can be helpful. Talking may also help you relax and feel less stressed out in the long run.

If you’re feeling stressed, try some stress-relieving techniques. These include deep breathing, meditation or yoga. You could also go for a walk or listen to music.

Work smarter, not harder

One of the most important things you can do to reduce your stress is to work smarter, not harder. If you find yourself spending more time than necessary on a task and not getting anywhere fast, then it might be time to get rid of some of that stress by rethinking how you approach it.

If there's one thing we've learned from working with hundreds of clients over the years and even more than that if we're being honest, it's that procrastination is at the root of many problems people face when trying to manage their stress levels and this includes both physical and mental ones! The good news is: there are plenty of ways for us all get better at prioritizing what matters most in life so we can avoid unnecessary anxiety down the road.

Stress is a killer and there are ways to deal with it that do not involve pills

You may not be able to avoid stress, but you can reduce it. 

  • Exercise. The more you exercise, the less stressed out you'll feel and the better your body will function overall. This means not only cardiovascular exercise like running or swimming, but also strength training like weight lifting or progressive resistance exercises to target specific areas of muscle weakness from overuse injuries sustained during daily activities like sitting at a desk all day long doing work instead of playing outside with kids! If your job requires long hours sitting at a computer screen for long periods of time...think about how much time that would take away from spending family time together as well working on projects together outside in nature instead? That's doesn't sound so bad now does it?

  • Meditate regularly throughout each day as well as at night before going to bed so that when waking up in morning it feels like "new beginnings". This helps clear out any unnecessary clutter stored within our minds which includes negative thoughts associated with past experiences such as fear driven anxiety attacks triggered by things happening around us today such as traffic jams while driving home late night after work etcetera; these negative thoughts can create an endless cycle leading into depression over time if left unchecked.

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This is by no means an exhaustive list of ways to deal with stress. There are many other methods that have been thoroughly researched, tested and proven over time. However, these four are some of the most effective ones we have found so far on our journey through life. If you want more tips for dealing with stress, check out our article about how I got rid of my anxiety.

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