Top Reasons, Why Smartphone may be Dangerous to Human Lives

Why Smartphone may be Dangerous to Human Lives

Smartphones are a vital part of our lives. They make it easy for us to communicate with others, stay up-to-date on the latest news, and organize our schedules. However, smartphones can also have negative effects if they're misused or overused. Here are five ways that your smartphone may be harmful to your health.

Smartphone increase your stress level

As you may know, stress is a normal response to a situation. However, when it becomes more than just temporary and starts to negatively affect your health and wellbeing, it can become problematic and dangerous.

Stress can take many forms: positive or negative. Positive stress is the “fight-or-flight” response that helps us survive in dangerous situations; without this response, humans would have been eaten by saber-toothed tigers millennia ago! Negative stress, on the other hand (as you might imagine), has more of an impact on our mental health.

With smartphones being so addictive that people literally get withdrawal symptoms when separated from them for long periods of time (I’m looking at you, Candy Crush), they are one of the leading causes of increased feelings of anxiety amongst users today. In fact according to researchers who conducted a study on 70 young adults aged 18–22 years old found out that those who used their smartphones excessively experienced higher levels of anxiety than those who did not use any technology at all during their free time after spending 2 hours playing games like Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja (Hartley & Tarrant). This means that even though they were only playing games while they were supposed to be relaxing after work or school--their bodies could still feel anxious even though nothing bad had happened yet.

Smartphone can make you less productive.

You may be the kind of person that can have a smartphone on their desk, and not even look at it for the whole day. But most people will find themselves distracted by their phones from time to time, especially if they're trying to concentrate or work on something important. And this can make it harder for you to focus on what needs doing in real life.

There are also studies that show that smartphones can make us less social with real-world friends too! Not only does using your device too much cut into your time with other people (which is important for mental health), but it can make you more self-centered as well—and that's bad news for those around you.

Smartphone interrupt face-to-face interaction

A smartphone can interrupt your face-to-face interactions. Even if you have the best of intentions, your phone may be getting in the way of your relationships with other people. You can be rude to others.

When talking with someone, it is polite not to check or answer your phone. This can make them feel disrespected and annoyed. If you are in a meeting or at dinner with someone important, checking your phone can make them think that you don't care about what they have to say or need their attention right now.

You might miss out on an important message: Checking texts and emails while spending time with friends causes people to lose track of what is going on around them because they become distracted by their phones' notifications which will then result in them missing out on important conversations happening around them that could lead into future friendships/relationships etc.

Smartphone disturb your sleep

If you use your smartphone as an alarm clock or to stay up late, you might be contributing to a number of sleep problems. Studies have shown that the blue light emitted from electronic screens can hinder natural sleep cycles and lead to insomnia. According to the National Sleep Foundation, exposure to artificial light near bedtime can affect circadian rhythms (your body’s natural clock) and make it difficult for you to fall asleep quickly or stay asleep for long periods of time. The result? You may wake up feeling groggy and unrested during the day.

Sleep deprivation can cause serious health issues like depression and anxiety disorders as well as more physical ailments such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. In 2014 alone there were 506 fatal crashes due to drowsy drivers in Texas alone according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). That same year there were 27 million crashes across all fifty states caused by drowsy driving which resulted in over 10 thousand deaths according their website data section on statistics on drowsiness behind wheel accidents; they further state that these numbers are likely underreported since some don’t report such accidents especially if no one was hurt or killed during them but still involved injuries or property damage nonetheless which could have been prevented if people weren't so tired from being awake too long.

Smartphone can have a negative impact on children's development

You might think that your child needs a smartphone to keep up with the times and be socially active, but the truth is that it could have a negative impact on their development. Children's brains are still developing until they're in their early teenage years, and one of the most important things they do during this time is learn how to interact with people face-to-face. This means learning how to communicate with others through facial expressions, body language and tone of voice—things that aren't possible when you're looking at someone through a screen!

Teaching children how to play helps them develop motor skills which will be useful when they start learning new physical activities later down the line (e.g., swimming). If you want your little one to grow up being healthy both mentally AND physically then make sure they get plenty of fresh air by playing outside as often as possible - even if that means spending some time indoors instead.

Smartphones are useful but they may also be harmful in many ways, so be cautious when using them.

Now that you know the pros and cons of smartphones, it is important to be aware of the negative effects. However, there are also a lot of benefits for using them. It's important to know how to use them safely so we can live longer lives with our loved ones.

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In conclusion, smartphones are powerful tools that can help us in many ways. However, they also have negative impacts on our lives if we're not careful about how we use them. By knowing the dangers of smartphones and limiting their use as much as possible, you can protect yourself from harm and lead a more fulfilling life.

Technology, Business

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