A Small Business Startup Costs and Budget You Need to Know

Small Business Startup Costs

Opening a small business is one of the most exciting things you can do. You get to be your own boss and make your own decisions, but it also comes with some responsibilities. Not only do you need to find the best location for your store and ensure that it is up to code, but you also have to figure out how much money you will need in order to start-up and maintain your business. There are lots of costs associated with opening a small business; some are unavoidable while others may not seem so important at first glance. Here are some common startup costs that many entrepreneurs should consider before they begin their new venture:


Equipment costs can be one of the largest expenses for a new business. The equipment you will need depends on the type of company and industry you are in, but it will likely include computers, printers and phones.

You may be able to get some equipment at a discount by purchasing used items from an office supply store or eBay. However, if you are using the equipment in an environment where safety is important (e.g., food manufacturing) then it is best to buy new products so that they have been tested and certified as safe by an accredited third-party inspection agency like Underwriters Laboratories (UL).


Inventory is the stuff you sell. Think of it as your store's inventory list. It includes everything from books and toys to umbrellas and batteries, as well as all kinds of other things, like kitchenware or sporting goods.

When using an inventory system in a small business startup costs start-up, it's important to make sure that you have enough cash for your inventory needs. You might also want to include an allowance for purchases later on down the road once customers begin making purchases.

Advertising & Marketing Costs

Advertising and marketing costs are a significant expense for any business. But, by understanding how much you need to budget, where you can get it done, and what sort of results you can expect from your marketing efforts, you'll be able to make smart decisions about how much time and money you put into them.

The first thing that should help guide your decision-making is whether or not there are any benefits associated with advertising and marketing. In other words: why do small businesses advertise? Why do they market themselves? What are the benefits?

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Licenses & Permits

A couple of licenses and permits are required to operate a business in the United States. Depending on your industry, you may need to purchase a business license or contact your city for an occupational permit. 

Here are some examples of common licenses and permits that small businesses need:
  • Business License

  • Liquor Licenses

  • Health Permits

  • Food Trucks Only: Food Truck License (if applicable)

Office Furniture & Supplies

The cost of office furniture and supplies will depend on the nature and size of your business. The larger your company, the more equipment you'll need to purchase. For example, if you require computers for your employees and computers for work stations, this will be an additional expense. Other items such as desks, chairs, filing cabinets, lamps and other miscellaneous items are also considered part of this category.

You may consider buying used or refurbished office furniture instead which can help to save money on new items when starting up a company. You may also want to look into renting or leasing furniture in order to save even more money through various rental companies who specialize in providing office spaces as well as all necessary equipment needed including desks chairs etc.

Employees Salaries

The most important cost to consider when you're starting a small business is your employees' salaries. The fact is, most businesses are started by a single person who can wear many hats and do everything themselves. But as soon as that business grows past one employee, it's time to hire help. And if you want your business to grow beyond five or ten employees, that's when things get really expensive—and your biggest expense will be salaries.

You need people working for you in order for the business to function properly; without them you wouldn't have anyone who could handle sales calls or do merchandising deals with vendors on your behalf (or any other number of tasks). Employees are also necessary so that when customers walk through the door they'll be greeted by someone who knows their name and answers questions about products before sending them over another floor associate.

While it may seem like there's no way around spending money on salaries once your business starts growing in size (after all, even if all nine people work for free out of love for what they do this still isn't enough), there are ways around it such as reducing costs elsewhere (like lowering rent) or generating revenue faster than usual so there would actually be some left over after paying everyone off each month instead of going into debt again right away like normal businesses would need - but these aren't options available unless you've already been successful enough beforehand!

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All these costs can add up quickly. It is important to budget!

Startup costs can add up quickly. It is important to budget!

It is important to know how much you can afford to spend, and how much you need to make in order to cover all your expenses. This includes paying for your living expenses, food, utilities and other bills that may come up during the startup phase.

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Starting your own small business can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution it can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Be sure to do your research and understand all of the startup costs that you'll need to cover before getting started. With a clear understanding of what it will cost to get your business off the ground, you can make informed decisions about how to allocate your resources and set yourself up for success.

Technology, Business

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